They seem to be growing…

pepper seedlings

Pepper seedlings - two weeks later.

My pepper seedlings that is.

After adding some calcium (via powdered egg shells) and refusing to water them as much as I was before they seem to be healthier. Right?

I’m still not sure.

They need to grow faster. We’re mid-summer and I still haven’t seen a single full grown plant, not to mention have yet to see an itty bitty bell pepper. I don’t care what color…red, green…I’ll take anything at this point.

That being said, I’ve decided to expand my container veggie garden and have decided to plant baby lettuces tomorrow.

“Expand you say? But CG2CG you’ve only planted bell peppers!”

Au contraire, mon ami.

I attempted to sprout Rutgers tomatoes from a seed packet a few weeks ago. They were DOA. I tried everything to shock them into sprouting. Soaking, freezing, heating, praying. Nada. I was about to try voodoo spells, but then I remembered I was Catholic and that we’re not allowed to do that. Oh well.

So forget tomatoes. I’ll try again in a few weeks.

I just have to make my way over to Osh or Home Depot for some soil.

Will post updates on my baby lettuces as soon as I can.

Mucho love and laughter,

City Girl to Country Girl

About City Girl to Country Girl

I'm a full-time city girl who yearns to be a weekend country girl. I live in the big city while owning land far enough to be in the middle of nowhere and close enough where Starbucks is only a few miles away. I want to build a home, grow my own food and have the life where I can drink my Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks while feeding my chickens and go to the mall after milking my goats.
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